Okey, I understand that You Only Live Once maybe can be a usefull motto , but let's talk seriously... the song is H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. #NOHATE I mean I like Drake,and I like some of his songs, but that song must be one of the worst songs I've ever heard.. SORRYYYYY !!!!!
Noooow... I actually don't have to tell you guys, or something I want to talk about, because basically, my life is completly BORING :P Me and the girls have decided to start doing the tutoriols, vlogs, DIY:s and things like that AFTER we've done our header to the blog, which is soon. We just need to find some time to it :P Akaay, so there's everything I wanted to tell youu, Byee (:
If you want to hear the song I was talkin about, than here it is (:
PS. Sorry for any typos,not checking :P
är du galen den är skit braa...... hör du inte eller ? no hate men den ät ju skit bra !