Q&A P.1
DATUM: 2013-03-28 | TID: 22:08:00 | KATEGORI:

Det är lite för många frågor så valde att dela upp det i parts, heres part one (: Frågorna var på engelska, så valde att skriva och svara på frågorna på engelska också (: //Sara
1. What eye color do you find sexiest? Hmm.. usually light colors..
2. White, milk or dark chocolate? milk!
3. If you could get a sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be? Probably the word "believe" in cursive.
4. Did you grow up in a small or big town? Both 
5. What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now? Oreoo !! Someone who wants to make me one? (:
6. Pirates or Ninjas? NINJAS OF CAUSE !!
7. Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet of the ground? Im not sure.. Im not even sure if ive ever climbed a tree before :P 
8. Did you like swings as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing set? I.LOVE.SWINGS.
9. If you could have any pet in the world illegal or not, what would you get? A puppy or a baby lion! 
10. What's your most favourite part of your body? My ears :P
11. What's your favourite part of your personality? I can stand up for myself when I need to without anyones help...
12. Madonna or Lady GaGa? Lady GaGa.
13. Have you ever watched Superbowl all the way through? Wut.Is.Dat? No?
14. Have you ever watched a major sporting event drunk? Noopp, i dont drink alcohol..
15. What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in you life? I really dont know..I like chinese food :P
16. Margarine or butter? What's the big difference?
17. Which continents have you been on? Europe & Africa
18. Do you get motion sickness? Any horror stories?  Sometimes, but never something really serious 
19. Backpacks or Satchels? Satchels (:
20. Would you wear a rainbow jacket, neon yellow sweater and checkered pants? Ehm.. Im really not sure.. 
21. What was your favourite cartoon growing up? Spongebob Squarepant and Tom&Jerry 

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